A Worthington WeblogFiled under: Single Surname Researching the Worthington Surname in the US. http://worthy2be.wordpress.com/ - last updated 22 Jan 2022 |
BAGE One-Name StudyFiled under: Single Surname | International The day-to-day activities of the BAGE, One-Name Study linking researchers worldwide with detailed information on their ancestors and their related families. http://bage-one-name-study.blogspot.com/ - last updated 26 Apr 2008 |
Barry's Genealogy DiaryFiled under: Personal Research | Single Surname This online genealogical diary is hosted by Barry T. Self. It is primarily for information pertaining to the SELF surname, more particularly for descendants of John J. and Lydia Avaline Waters Self, who were married in Union County, GA in 1851. Barry Self is the SELF proclaimed family genealogist and historian, having spent nearly 20 years researching this Self line. This diary is dedicated to preserving and sharing the findings of his research. http://barrysgenealogydiary.blogspot.com/ - last updated 1 Jun 2019 |
Bavetta Genealogy Project BlogFiled under: Single Surname | Personal Research Ciao! The purpose of this blog is to discuss the family tree of all Bavetta relatives who come from Sicily. If you have any Bavetta surname relatives who where born in Sicily or are related to Bavetta relatives from Sicily, please email the site administrator at bavettagenealogy@gmail.com for access to this site. http://bavetta.tribalpages.com/ Once you have access, you can enter all of your family information and be added to the growing Bavetta Genealogy Tree. Thank you! Ciao! Lo scopo di questo sito è quello di creare un albero genealogico di tutti i Bavetta parenti che provengono dalla Sicilia. Se avete parenti che Bavetta cognome dove nasce in Sicilia o sono legati al Bavetta parenti dalla Sicilia, si prega di e-mail l'amministratore del sito a bavettagenealogy@gmail.com per l'accesso a questo sito. http://bavetta.tribalpages.com/ Una volta che hai accesso, puoi inserire tutte le informazioni della vostra famiglia e va ad aggiungersi al crescente Bavetta Genealogia Albero. Grazie! http://bavettagenealogy.blogspot.com/ - last updated 14 Jul 2009 |
Berry Family DNA blogFiled under: Single Surname | Genetic Genealogy A place to post comments, requests, discoveries or anything else having to do with the Berry Family DNA Project, as well as the occasional social comment. http://berrydna.blogspot.com/ - last updated 22 Oct 2018 |
Blackard Family History BlogFiled under: Single Surname | Genetic Genealogy http://blackardfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/ - last updated 9 Aug 2005 |
Boisvert HistoryFiled under: Personal Research | Single Surname http://www.tonyboisvert.com/ - last updated 23 Feb 2014 |
BOZEMANIA - the BOZEMAN blogFiled under: Personal Research | Single Surname The BOZEMAN home on the web. http://bozemangene.blogspot.com/ - last updated 1 Aug 2012 |
Braswell GenealogyFiled under: Single Surname | Personal Research Braswell / Bracewell family history and genealogy research brought to you by the editor and publisher of Braswell Branches. We're adding new records daily so check back frequently. http://braswellgenealogy.blogspot.com/ - last updated 31 Jan 2015 |
Callaway Family Association BlogFiled under: Single Surname | Associations & Societies The Callaway Family Association was formed in 1975 to study the genealogy of the Callaway Surname (all spellings). Members can be found from Australia to England to Canada to the United States and number almost 600 strong. Discussions related to Callaway Genealogy are welcome here and this Blog was created for that purpose. The Callaway Family Tree Branches May Reach Out, But the Roots Run Deep. http://www.callawayfamily.org/blog/ - last updated 24 Sep 2009 |