Old ObituariesTranscriptions from my Grandmother's scrapbook...mostly Clark County, South Dakota. http://oldfamilyobits.blogspot.com/ - last updated 27 Jun 2008 |
Olde SavannahFiled under: Locality Specific Historical tidbits about Savannah and its earliest settlers, includes photographs. Supports Georgia Pioneers which website contains digital images of Chatham County Wills, old Georgia history, such as passenger lists, land grants, etc. http://oldesavannah.blogspot.com/ - last updated 5 Sep 2019 |
One Point in TimeFiled under: Locality Specific Making history the style . in Shamokin, Pennsylvania. http://onepointintime.wordpress.com/ - last updated 23 Feb 2021 |
Orlando Stone SoupFiled under: Locality Specific Oil Creek is in the center of West Virginia, a small tributary of the Little Kanawha River. Pioneers from Maryland and eastern Virginia settled most of the roughly 40 square miles of its watershed in the early 1800s. After the Civil War, Irish immigrants formed a sencond wave of settlers. At the confluence of Clover Fork & Oil Creek the town of Orlando developed in the late 1800s and withered in the mid 1900s. For 250 years a small community has loved, worked, fought dreamed and worshiped here and raised new generations to do the same. In this 'blog the descendents, some who still live in Orlando and others who live all across America, share their families' stories. As these family stories are shared and woven together, the story of this authentic Appalachian community is emerging. The 'blog focuses on the families and activities in the area drained by Oil Creek and its tributaries, from about 1810 to about 1960. It also looks back to the ancestral lines of the families and encourages today's community to look forward to tomorrow's Orlando, WV. http://orlandostonesoup.blogspot.com/ - last updated 5 Sep 2012 |
Oxford County Genealogy NotebookFiled under: Locality Specific | Documentary Genealogical and historical resources for Oxford County, Maine. http://oxfordcounty.blogspot.com/ - last updated 4 Aug 2010 |
Ozarks Genealogical Society: Computer Special Interest Group BlogFiled under: Associations & Societies | Locality Specific http://ozarksgs.com/ - last updated 19 Jun 2016 |
Parisville, Huron Co., MichiganFiled under: Polish | Locality Specific Showcasing the Polish settlers of Parisville, Michigan. ~ Which was the first Polish settlement in the U.S., Panna Maria, Texas, or Parisville, Michigan? That is a thorny question because their founding was almost simultaneous. ~ http://parisvillemi.blogspot.com/ - last updated 7 Jan 2009 |
Pasco County Genealogical Society BlogFiled under: Associations & Societies | Locality Specific Pasco County Genealogy Blog is here to help society members with research questions they may have. We will also be posting fun and serious genealogy related material. Non-Members that are interested in Pasco County Florida Genealogy are welcome to post to this blog. http://pascogenealogy.blogspot.com/ - last updated 7 Dec 2013 |
Pennsylvania History & Genealogy BlogFiled under: Locality Specific | Photography PA Genealogy, Old Photographs, Vital Records, Histories, Stories, Ancestors, and interesting things. http://pahistoryblog.blogspot.com/ - last updated 3 Jun 2015 |
Photo Studios serving Detroit's Pol-Ams 1875-1950Need help identifying folks in a Detroit family photo? Post it here so other photo buffs can help. Check back often for new photos. Please feel free to upload your own studio pictures! Vintage photos from your collection with known locations and subjects are needed. Maps are included showing the proximity of churches and photo studios. http://pol-amstudio.blogspot.com/ - last updated 10 Jun 2013 |