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Alabama Genealogy in ColorAlabama Genealogy 7 is a group of family history researchers with African American Alabama ancestry. Together we will share the triumphs and trials of our personal research. We will post our family history, reunion information, photos and information of general interest to those researching Alabama. http://alabamagenealogy7.wordpress.com/ - last updated 16 Mar 2013 |
All History is LocalFiled under: Locality Specific | Libraries All History is Local is a blog for news and information regarding local, state, national and worldwide genealogy and local history. From the Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library. http://www.columbuslibrary.org/localhistoryblog - last updated 26 Jan 2012 |
All My AncestorsFiled under: Personal Research Tales of my ancestors and my adventures searching for them. http://www.allmyancestors.com/blog/ - last updated 4 Jul 2012 |
All My BranchesFiled under: Personal Research Family stats, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, research, surnames include Amore, Goul, Blazer, House, Wilt, Johnson. http://allmybranches.wordpress.com/ - last updated 24 Jan 2022 |
Allie's Genealogy BlogFiled under: Personal Research I am hoping to use this site to collect family stories and document my efforts in tracing our genealogy. http://alliemount.blogspot.com/ - last updated 29 Jan 2011 |
Al's Polish-American Genealogy ResearchFiled under: Personal Research | Polish This blog contains any details that I come across during my family genealogy research. This blog may be helpful to others who are researching their Polish heritage. This is a place to post any of my findings, noting that my research could potentially change daily. http://polishamericangenealogy.blogspot.com/ - last updated 8 Mar 2014 |
Alvie's Genealogy SpotFiled under: Professional Genealogists I live in central Florida and have been involved in genealogy since about 1963. My desire to learn and absorb more about genealogy led me down a path that I never had plans to walk. http://alviesgenealogyspot.blogspot.com/ - last updated 13 Sep 2011 |
Alvispat WeblogFiled under: Personal Research I have posted research and conclusions for each of my ancestors from the seventh or eighth generation and before. I cite evidence for over 125 individuals, with posted data for several genealogy puzzles. http://alvispat.wordpress.com/ - last updated 13 Aug 2023 |
Aming AngkanFiled under: Personal Research | International In English, "Our Family". These pages chronicle my continuing family history research. Aside from documenting my Filipino ancestry, I also hope to create fitting biographies for the many incredible people in our family tree and to revisit places that were once called home. The inspirations and discoveries on my path to becoming the best Filipino genealogist I can be, will find their way here. http://amingangkan.com/ - last updated 6 Feb 2018 |
Amy's Genealogy, etc. BlogFiled under: Tips, Resources & Reviews On this blog, I will be sharing things about genealogy and history. I've been a genealogist for more years than I'll admit to. This is a very exciting time to be involved in genealogy; there are so many innovations that greatly assist us in our research, making it easier to find data than ever before. http://familytrees.wordpress.com/ - last updated 17 Oct 2011 |